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תרגול 12 - דוגמא מעשית


In [ ]:
## Importing packages
import os # A build in package for interacting with the OS. For example to create a folder.
import numpy as np  # Numerical package (mainly multi-dimensional arrays and linear algebra)
import pandas as pd  # A package for working with data frames
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # A plotting package
import imageio  # A package to read and write image (is used here to save gif images)
import tabulate  # A package from pretty printing tables
from graphviz import Digraph  # A package for plothing graphs (of nodes and edges)
import tqdm.notebook as tqdm

## Setup matplotlib to output figures into the notebook
## - To make the figures interactive (zoomable, tooltip, etc.) use ""%matplotlib notebook" instead
%matplotlib inline

## Setting some nice matplotlib defaults
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4.5, 4.5)  # Set default plot's sizes
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120  # Set default plot's dpi (increase fonts' size)
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True  # Show grid by default in figures

## Auxiliary function for prining equations, pandas tables and images in cells output
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML, Latex, Markdown

## Create output folder
if not os.path.isdir('./output'):

Data Inspection

In [ ]:
data_file = ''

## Loading the data
dataset = pd.read_csv(data_file)

## Show the first 10 rows
Out[ ]:
passenger_count trip_distance payment_type fare_amount tip_amount pickup_easting pickup_northing dropoff_easting dropoff_northing duration day_of_week day_of_month time_of_day
0 2 2.768065 2 9.5 0.00 586.996941 4512.979705 588.155118 4515.180889 11.516667 3 13 12.801944
1 1 3.218680 2 10.0 0.00 587.151523 4512.923924 584.850489 4512.632082 12.666667 6 16 20.961389
2 1 2.574944 1 7.0 2.49 587.005357 4513.359700 585.434188 4513.174964 5.516667 0 31 20.412778
3 1 0.965604 1 7.5 1.65 586.648975 4511.729212 586.671530 4512.554065 9.883333 1 25 13.031389
4 1 2.462290 1 7.5 1.66 586.967178 4511.894301 585.262474 4511.755477 8.683333 2 5 7.703333
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99995 1 3.218680 2 8.0 0.00 586.185469 4513.033744 585.468560 4510.530082 6.400000 4 28 6.925000
99996 5 1.142631 1 4.0 1.32 585.765009 4512.580782 585.200602 4511.590442 1.666667 1 25 5.041667
99997 1 5.471756 2 12.5 0.00 587.498875 4512.905997 591.728405 4512.904235 11.666667 6 9 15.407500
99998 1 3.894603 1 11.5 2.00 589.082301 4511.109238 591.331933 4513.822199 14.383333 5 1 21.158889
99999 1 1.287472 1 7.0 2.20 585.921088 4510.395977 585.240599 4511.137317 8.833333 4 21 17.761111

100000 rows × 13 columns

Plotting Drop Off Points

In [ ]:
import  # Another package to heandle images

## Load and image of the streets of NY
ny_map_image ='')

## The geografic bounding box of the map data as [West-longtitude East-longtitude South-latitude North-latitude]:
bbox = [582.5, 592.5, 4505.5, 4515.5]  
In [ ]:
## Create the figure and axis
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

## Plot the map
ax.imshow(ny_map_image, extent=bbox, cmap='gray', alpha=0.7)
ax.plot(dataset['dropoff_easting'], dataset['dropoff_northing'], '.', markersize=1)
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Train-Validation-Test split

In [ ]:
n_samples = len(dataset)

## Generate a random generator with a fixed seed
rand_gen = np.random.RandomState(1)

## Generating a vector of indices
indices = np.arange(n_samples)

## Shuffle the indices

## Split the indices into 60% train / 20% validation / 20% test
n_samples_train = int(n_samples * 0.6)
n_samples_val = int(n_samples * 0.2)
train_indices = indices[:n_samples_train]
val_indices = indices[n_samples_train:(n_samples_train + n_samples_val)]
test_indices = indices[(n_samples_train + n_samples_val):]

train_set = dataset.iloc[train_indices]
val_set = dataset.iloc[val_indices]
test_set = dataset.iloc[test_indices]


In [ ]:
from scipy.spatial import distance  # A function for efficiently calculating all the distances between points in two lists of points.

## Set K
k = 10

## Define x (the matrix of the drop off locations)
x = train_set[['dropoff_easting', 'dropoff_northing']].values
n_samples = len(x)

## Create a random generator using a fixed seed (we fix the seed for reproducible results)
rand_gen = np.random.RandomState(0)

## Initialize the means using k random points from the dataset
means = x[rand_gen.randint(low=0, high=n_samples, size=k)]
assignment = np.zeros(n_samples, dtype=int)

## Prepare figure and plotting counters
next_axis = 0
fig, axis_list = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 12))
i_step = 0
next_plot_step = 1

stop_iterations = False
while not stop_iterations:
    i_step += 1
    assignment_old = assignment

    ## Step 1: Assign points to means
    distances = distance.cdist(x, means, 'euclidean')
    assignment = np.argmin(distances, axis=1)
    ## Stop criteria
    if (assignment == assignment_old).all():
        stop_iterations = True

    ## Step 2: Update means
    for i_cluster in range(k):
        cluster_indices = assignment == i_cluster
        means[i_cluster] = x[cluster_indices].mean(axis=0)

    ## Plot clusters and means
    if (i_step == next_plot_step) or (stop_iterations):
        ax = axis_list.flat[next_axis]
        ax.set_title('Step: {}'.format(i_step))

        ax.imshow(ny_map_image, extent=bbox, cmap='gray', alpha=0.7)
        for i_cluster in range(k):
            cluster_indices = assignment == i_cluster
            ax.plot(x[cluster_indices, 0], x[cluster_indices, 1], '.', markersize=1)
        ax.plot(means[:, 0], means[:, 1], 'xk', markersize=20)[0]
        next_plot_step *= 2
        next_axis += 1

for i in range(next_axis, len(axis_list.flat)):
print('Number of steps: {}'.format(i_step))
parking_lots_locations = means
Number of steps: 76
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Evaluation on train set

$$ \hat{R}\left(\left\{\boldsymbol{c}_i\right\}\right)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{\boldsymbol{x}_j}\min_{\boldsymbol{c}\in\left\{\boldsymbol{c}\right\}}\left\lVert\boldsymbol{x}_j-\boldsymbol{c}\right\rVert $$

In [ ]:
## Calculate distances to all parking lots
distances = distance.cdist(x, parking_lots_locations, 'euclidean')

## Calculate the average of the distances to the colsest parking lot to each point
train_risk = distances.min(axis=1).mean()

print('The average ride distance to the closest parking lots is approximately {:.02f} km'.format(train_risk))
The average ride distance to the closest parking lots is approximately 0.71 km

Evaluation on test set

In [ ]:
## Define x for the test set
x_val = val_set[['dropoff_easting', 'dropoff_northing']].values

## Calculate distances to all parking lots
distances = distance.cdist(x_val, parking_lots_locations, 'euclidean')

## Calculate the average of the distances to the colsest parking lot to each point
val_risk = distances.min(axis=1).mean()

print('The average ride distance to the closest parking lots is approximatley {:.02f} km'.format(val_risk))
The average ride distance to the closest parking lots is approximatley 0.71 km

Finding The Optimal Number of Parking Lots

The empirical risk function:

$$ \hat{R}\left(\left\{\boldsymbol{c}_i\right\}, K\right)= 10\cdot K+300\cdot\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^K\sum_{\boldsymbol{x}_j\in S_i}\left\lVert\boldsymbol{x}_j-\boldsymbol{c}_i\right\rVert $$

In [ ]:
## import KMeans from scikit-learn
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

cost_per_parking = 10
cost_per_avarage_distance = 300

## Define the grid of K's over we will search for our solution
k_grid = np.arange(1, 26, 1)

## Updates the datasets
x = train_set[['dropoff_easting', 'dropoff_northing']].values
x_val = val_set[['dropoff_easting', 'dropoff_northing']].values
x_test = test_set[['dropoff_easting', 'dropoff_northing']].values

## Initialize the list of the average ride distance
average_distance_array = np.zeros(len(k_grid), dtype=float)

## Create a random generator using a fixed seed 
rand_gen = np.random.RandomState(0)

best_risk_so_far = np.inf
optimal_k = None
optimal_average_distance = None
optimal_centers = None
for i_k, k in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(k_grid)):
    ## Calculate ceneters and clusters
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=rand_gen)
    centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_
    ## Evaluate the empirical risk
    assignments = kmeans.predict(x_val)
    distances = np.linalg.norm(x_val - centers[assignments], axis=1)
    average_distance = distances.mean()
    risk = cost_per_parking * k + cost_per_avarage_distance * average_distance
    ## If this is the best risk so far save the optimal results
    if risk < best_risk_so_far:
        best_risk_so_far = risk
        optimal_k = k
        optimal_average_distance = average_distance
        optimal_centers = centers
    ## Save average distance for the later plot
    average_distance_array[i_k] = average_distance

## Plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(k_grid, average_distance_array * cost_per_avarage_distance, label='Rides')
ax.plot(k_grid, k_grid * cost_per_parking, label='Parking lots')
ax.plot(k_grid, k_grid * cost_per_parking + average_distance_array * cost_per_avarage_distance, label='Total')
ax.set_title('Cost vs. K')
ax.set_ylabel('Cost [k$]')

## Calculate the test results
distances = distance.cdist(x_test, optimal_centers, 'euclidean')
test_average_distance = distances.min(axis=1).mean()
test_risk = cost_per_parking * optimal_k + cost_per_avarage_distance * test_average_distance

print('The optimal number of parking lots is: {}'.format(optimal_k))
print('The optimal average ride distance is: {:.2f} Km'.format(test_average_distance))
print('The train risk is {:.2f} k$'.format(test_risk))
HBox(children=(HTML(value=''), FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=25.0), HTML(value='')))
The optimal number of parking lots is: 12
The optimal average ride distance is: 0.63 Km
The train risk is 307.73 k$
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Evaluation on test set

In [ ]:
## Calculate distances to all parking lots
distances = distance.cdist(x_test, optimal_centers, 'euclidean')

## Calculate the average distance and risk
test_average_distance = distances.min(axis=1).mean()
test_risk = cost_per_parking * optimal_k + cost_per_avarage_distance * test_average_distance

print('The optimal average ride distance is: {:.2f} Km'.format(test_average_distance))
print('The train risk is {:.2f} k$'.format(test_risk))
The optimal average ride distance is: 0.63 Km
The train risk is 307.73 k$