תרגול 11 - דוגמא מעשית
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## Importing packages
import os # A build in package for interacting with the OS. For example to create a folder.
import numpy as np # Numerical package (mainly multi-dimensional arrays and linear algebra)
import pandas as pd # A package for working with data frames
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # A plotting package
import imageio # A package to read and write image (is used here to save gif images)
import tabulate # A package from pretty printing tables
from graphviz import Digraph # A package for plothing graphs (of nodes and edges)
import tqdm.notebook as tqdm
## Setup matplotlib to output figures into the notebook
## - To make the figures interactive (zoomable, tooltip, etc.) use ""%matplotlib notebook" instead
%matplotlib inline
## Setting some nice matplotlib defaults
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4.5, 4.5) # Set default plot's sizes
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120 # Set default plot's dpi (increase fonts' size)
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True # Show grid by default in figures
## Auxiliary function for prining equations, pandas tables and images in cells output
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML, Latex, Markdown
## Create output folder
if not os.path.isdir('./output'):
Data Inspection¶
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data_file = 'https://technion046195.netlify.app/datasets/titanic_manifest.csv'
## Loading the data
dataset = pd.read_csv(data_file)
## Print the number of rows in the data set
number_of_rows = len(dataset)
display(Markdown(f'Number of rows in the dataset: $N={number_of_rows}$'))
## Show the first 10 rows
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The Data Fields and Types¶
In this workshop we will use the following fields:
pclass: the ticket's class: 1st, 2nd or 3rd: 1, 2 or 3
sex: the sex of the passenger as a string: male or female
age: the passenger's age: an integer
sibsp: the number of Siblings/Spouses aboard for each passenger: an integer
parch: the number of Parents/Children aboard for each passenger: an integer
fare: The price the passenger payed for the ticket: a positive real number
embarked: The port in which the passenger embarked the ship: (C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton)
survived: The label for whether or not this passenger has survived: 0 or 1
(A full description for each of the other columns can be found here)
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discrete_columns = ['pclass', 'sex', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'embarked']
continuous_columns = ['age', 'fare']
Train-Validation-Test split¶
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n_samples = len(dataset)
## Generate a random generator with a fixed seed
rand_gen = np.random.RandomState(1)
## Generating a vector of indices
indices = np.arange(n_samples)
## Shuffle the indices
## Split the indices into 60% train / 20% validation / 20% test
n_samples_train = int(n_samples * 0.6)
n_samples_val = int(n_samples * 0.2)
train_indices = indices[:n_samples_train]
val_indices = indices[n_samples_train:(n_samples_train + n_samples_val)]
test_indices = indices[(n_samples_train + n_samples_val):]
train_full_indices = np.concatenate((train_indices, val_indices))
train_full_set = dataset.iloc[train_full_indices]
train_set = dataset.iloc[train_indices]
val_set = dataset.iloc[val_indices]
test_set = dataset.iloc[test_indices]
Some plots¶
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def weighted_plot(dataset, weights):
fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(10, 5))
for i, feature in enumerate(discrete_columns):
tmp = dataset[[feature, 'survived']].copy()
tmp['weights'] = weights
ax = ax_list.flat[i]
tmp.groupby([feature, 'survived'])['weights'].sum().unstack('survived').plot.bar(ax=ax, stacked=True, legend=False)
for i, feature in enumerate(continuous_columns):
ax = ax_list.flat[i + len(discrete_columns)]
ax.hist(dataset.query('survived == 0')[feature].values, bins=20, alpha=0.5, label='0', weights=weights[dataset['survived'] == 0])
ax.hist(dataset.query('survived == 1')[feature].values, bins=20, alpha=0.5, label='1', weights=weights[dataset['survived'] == 1])
for ax_list2 in ax_list:
ax_list2[0].set_ylabel('Number of passengers')
return fig
weights = np.ones(len(train_full_set)) / len(train_full_set)
fig = weighted_plot(train_full_set, weights)
fig.savefig('./output/titanic_data_slices.png', dpi=240)
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class StumpCategory:
def __init__(self, field, values):
self.field = field
self.map_func = {val: -1 for val in dataset[field].unique()}
self.map_func.update({val: 1 for val in values})
def predict(self, dataset):
return dataset[self.field].map(self.map_func)
def string(self):
return f'{self.field}: {self.map_func}'
class StumpDiscreet:
def __init__(self, field, threshold):
self.field = field
self.threshold = threshold
def predict(self, dataset):
return (dataset[self.field] > self.threshold).astype(int) * 2 - 1
def string(self):
return f'{self.field} > {self.threshold:.2f}'
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from itertools import chain, combinations
def adaboost_step(weights, dataset):
y = dataset['survived'].values.astype(int) * 2 - 1
best_stump = None
best_score = np.inf
for field in discrete_columns:
all_values = np.unique(dataset[field].values)
for values in chain.from_iterable(combinations(all_values, n) for n in range(len(all_values)+1)):
stump = StumpCategory(field, values)
score = ((stump.predict(dataset).values * y > 0).astype(int) * weights).sum()
if score > 0.5:
score = 1 - score
if score < best_score:
best_stump = stump
best_score = score
for field in continuous_columns:
all_values = np.unique(dataset[field].values)
thresholds = (all_values[1:] + all_values[:(-1)]) / 2
for threshold in thresholds:
stump = StumpDiscreet(field, threshold)
score = ((stump.predict(dataset).values * y > 0).astype(int) * weights).sum()
if score > 0.5:
score = 1 - score
if score < best_score:
best_stump = stump
best_score = score
stump = best_stump
score = ((stump.predict(dataset).values * y < 0).astype(int) * weights).sum()
alpha = 0.5 * np.log((1 - score) / score)
weights *= np.exp(-alpha * stump.predict(dataset).values * y)
weights /= weights.sum()
return stump, score, alpha, weights
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def calc_raw_y_hat(stumps, alphas, dataset):
raw_y_hat = pd.Series(0, index=dataset.index)
for stump, alpha in zip(stumps, alphas):
raw_y_hat += alpha * stump.predict(dataset)
return raw_y_hat
def calc_objective(stumps, alphas, dataset):
y = dataset['survived'].values.astype(int) * 2 - 1
raw_y_hat = calc_raw_y_hat(stumps, alphas, dataset)
objective = np.exp(-y * raw_y_hat).mean()
return objective
def predict(stumps, alphas, dataset):
raw_y_hat = calc_raw_y_hat(stumps, alphas, dataset)
y_hat = (raw_y_hat > 0).astype(int) * 2 - 1
return y_hat
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weights = np.ones(len(train_set)) / len(train_set)
stumps = []
alphas = []
for step in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, 1001)):
if (step <= 4):
fig = weighted_plot(train_set, weights)
fig.savefig(f'./output/titanic_adaboost_step_{step:02d}.png', dpi=240)
stump, score, alpha, weights = adaboost_step(weights, train_set)
# objective = calc_objective(stumps, alphas, train_set)
# train_score = ((predict(stumps, alphas, train_set) > 0) != train_set['survived']).mean()
# val_score = ((predict(stumps, alphas, val_set) > 0) != val_set['survived']).mean()
# print(f'Step {step}: {objective:.3f} - {train_score:.3f} \ {val_score:.3f}: {alpha:.4f} * {stump.string()}')
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objective = calc_objective(stumps, alphas, train_set)
train_score = ((predict(stumps, alphas, train_set) > 0) != train_set['survived']).mean()
val_score = ((predict(stumps, alphas, val_set) > 0) != val_set['survived']).mean()
print(f'Step {step}: {objective:.3f} - {train_score:.3f} \ {val_score:.3f}')
test_score = ((predict(stumps, alphas, test_set) > 0) != test_set['survived']).mean()
print(f'Test score: {test_score}')
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